31 August 2012


Heeeeey guys,
look what i've found today on facebook!

kdjhgkljghlg omg omg omg i wanna see it in real!
aaaaaaah I'm sooo excited for the show!
please guys, please please please help us trending #voteonedirection !
The boys would be soooo happy if they would win!
Okay that was the nice story of today, 
but I've 2 sad storys.. :(

the first is, that 2 friends from Niall died at a car crash.
I dont know how it is if one or two of your friends die,
but i could imagine that it would be hard.
So its really hard for Niall :((
Poor Niall, stay strong ♥
We all directioners are with you,
so dont lose your hope, and dont lose your smile,
we love you ♥
okay and the second story is, 
maybe Zayn will be single in the next time cause
few days ago,  someone uploaded a video with Zayn and a girl
and his bodyguard. 
It was at the time of the America Tour of the boys.
His bodyguard didnt want that the girl comes into the
room of Zayn cause he knows that Zayn has Perrie.
I dont know, but some of you will be happy that
Zayn will be single, but actually its sad cause he was
happy with Perrie, okay but its his life so he can do what he want.

Okay, its really late now.
Oh yes, if you're german, you can watch the mtv vma music awards
at the September 7, 2012 on VIVA. But i dont know the time, sorry.
And at the September 29, 2012 is a One Direction Day on Nickelodeon!
Watch it! It starts at 11:30 am and finishes at 7:30 pm!
Okay now I'm really finish :D
See ya later

xoxo Lilly

30 August 2012


Heyyyyy ladys ( & maybe gentlemens )
sorry that i didn't post something, but well, it's my 4rth
school week and i've to learn for tests. That's the reason
why i missed the twitcam from our 5 adorable idiots.
SHAME ON ME, or should i say, SHAME ON SCHOOL ?
i watched it on youtube, & i have to say thatthere aren't boys
in the world who are crazier than Harry, Niall, Liam, Louis & Zayn.
Whatever, 6pm UK time the boys posted the new album cover -
i didn't know what to do, screaming? dancing? laughing? crying?
most weirdest 5 minutes of my life because i was so happy.
i think i felt in love with the picture, sorry harry.
haha just kidding, but isn't it amazing? ( our new blog backround )

& if you have twitter, please help us trending #TakeMeHome world wide.
harry should better take me home, .. haha if you don't know what 
take me home means, it's the title of their new album.

and the last thing i've to say, 
PLEASE DON'T STOP TWEETING #voteonedirection !
it's for the MTV music awards & every directioner should vote
them. i heard they are in one category with JB lol.
another world wide trend is #BeliebersAndDirectionersStopFighting.
busy day guys hahahah, okay i'll go on learning for school.
i wish you a perfect day / noon / afternoon / evening & night .. whatever.

xoxo , Mary

23 August 2012

being bored.

i forgot to say somethin.
i don't know where i have my head lol.

today @ school, i was bored ( we had maths lol ), so 
i wrote down relationship - names , like brangelina.
of course i wrote names with me, my friends and 1D haha.
and while i wrote the names, i found the cutest relationship - 
name ever. you know that lilly have a crush on niall ?
well, here's the name.

N I A L L Y .X

it's sooooo cute hahah. okay bye bye.

love, Mary ( again )


did you hear the big announcement already? NO ? NOO ?
okay then we will tell you vas happnin :)
@ 1pm UK time the boys posted something on facebook.
they just posted a video, but that was the reason  why i screamed
like never before, okay i screamed very loudly on the olympics but
whatever. did you watched this video? NO ? NOO ?
okay then let's do this

'live while we're young' , amazing right ?
from WMYB to LWWY haha.
so #Livewhilewereyoung is already trending lol.
help us trending it , gooooooooooo !

another 1D suprise , zayn is back on twitter.
he deleted his account for a few days, because he was sick
of all the hate he get daily , i just thought of one
girl, PLASTIC BIEBER , not the nicest girl on earth.
well, he's back and plasticbieber can't bring him down anymore.
hope you'll have a nice week, see ya on weekend.

xoxo, Mary

21 August 2012


Hey guys,
it was my birthday at Sunday so we made a big party
and we havent been online.

The boys are in the studios for the new album.
kdjhgdgh I'm soooo excited haha, I cant wait anymore!

In 2 days, the boys will announce something
what we dont know, I cant wait haha :D

And we found 2 videos from the set of "WMYB"
and they are soooo cute, I died when I saw them!

xoxo Lilly

12 August 2012

olympics 2012

closing ceremony, olympics 2012,
 london - UK , one direction, 9pm UK time

xoxo Mary

11 August 2012


Omg duuuuudes, 
here in Germany is a Shop
where you can win Meet & Greets with
One Direction!! OMG, 
we wanna win it sooo much, aaaaah,, help
we're freaking out haha :D
Wish us luck, guys, pleaaase,
it would mean the world for us!
Ah yes, I'm  back from my vacation haha,
it was funny yep and yeah okay, bye X

xoxo Lilly

10 August 2012

Liam follows :)

Lilly already told you this but i wanna
tell you the whoooooole story okay ?
so, let's do this.

it was friday, 04 / 08 / 2012, it was evening here in germany and 
i was on vacation @ my mum's friends.i was really bored, 
so i went online with my laptop, i saw that liam tweeted something:
" it's my birthday soon :) ", i answered " happy early birthday
daddy direction .xx" i thought he would never read this, cuz 
millions of girls answered too. after a few minutes, i checked
my interactions on twitter.. 
Liam Payne is following you.
i thought it was a fake, but when i checked his account, i saw
this little, blue tick behind the name.
i screamed so loud that the neighbours got angry.
i danced and my mum and her friends just looked @ me
like i were an alien or something like this lmao.
after dancing and screaming i called lilly.
she didn't sound happy or excited, so i thought she don't care
that liam is following me, but she told me that she's just
very jelly hahaha, i can understand her but guuuuuys i'm just happy
and i hope you'll be happy with me.
i tweeted liam and wrote him but there wasn't an answer.
2 days ago, he tweeted  " ilysm - i like your skirt mary"
hahaahahahahahah lmao he likes my skirt.

it's 0.00 here in germany, so goooooood night & see ya tomorrow
i love you , xoxo Mary

09 August 2012

so much to do ..

Heyyyy ladies & gentleman, 
sorry for not being online for a long time, 
but well since monday i have school & today
i got sick, bad start hahahah lol, i know. 
but , i'm here now 4 you and i have a lot 2 do 
ALONE, yes lilly has a class trip for a few days.
you'll hear a lot of me in the next days, or week.
here is the list i have 2 say to you & 2 do lol.

first thing: telling you the story about the day liam followed me.

second thing: liam's 2nd kidney, i think everyone from you heard it already.

third thing: hazza's new tattos, tatto freak lol.

fourth thing: posting pictures from my special present for my american friend ally &
my 1D shirts .

fifth thing: telling you my story about writing with harry. YES I WROTE WITH HIM !

sixth & last thing: winning a meet & greet with one direction :)

i hope you'll enjoy it, it's weekend in 2 days & there's nothing 2 do for me, 
sooooooo i'll be there for you guys, have a nice day & i see you tomorrow ♥

xoxo Mary

05 August 2012

Poor Boobear :(

Hey Directioner!
I've already told you, Louis has a tinnitus in his ears.
Now, a few Directioner discussed what we do here in the picture below is.
Please do it, Louis is pleased to determine that we do all that.

Guys, this is the last post from me before I go travel with my class
for 5 days. I'll miss you all so much!

xoxo Lilly

03 August 2012


OMG guys, today is so much happen!
I tell you all:

  1. Liam is following Mary! I'm jealous :(
  2. Louis has a tinitus in his ear :(
  3. We have reached the 200!! Thanks, love ya X
  4. Mary is in vacation for 2 days! I miss her..
  5. I'm crying cause Liam isnt following me, Louis is ill and I wanna hear Niall's voice and sit on his shoulders :( Okay, it's really hard guys, please dont laugh! Thanks
  6. I made a tumblr-blog and can you please follow it? I blog about One Direction and yess.. Lilly's Tumblr, please follow me X haha
  7. And today I realized that I'm falling in love with Niall, #yeah
Okay, soo after Mary is back, our holidaays are ending,
so we must back to school..
Haha, but in the first week of school,
I'm going to a school trip for 5 days
and Mary must write alone haha
poor Mary ♥ 
Well, guys, I love you all so much X
xoxo Lilly

02 August 2012

Newspaper article

Hey guys,
today I bought a magazine
and in it was an newspaper article
about Niall and Harry. I show you a summary.
It's sad cause Niall is really cute how he's.
He should be like he's. 
He does not need to pretend. 
We all love him as he is! 
Please Niall, look out!
It shocked me really..

A flirt with an older girl at the pool. Few minutes later, another beauty in his arm. And the evening party girls with even hotteren. Yeah, that sounds like leaves after Harry Styles, the times really a blast! But this time we do not talk of one-direction-curly head. But bound by his colleagues Niall. The 18-year-old was just holiday in spain and was going fairly ran. "He has turned on me and wanted to check whether he has with me opportunities," says the 26-year-old Ruth, who was spotted with the boyband-star. "But I am engaged - he also is not my typical" Oops, a basket of Niall! Oh, no problem - because the next one was not long in coming. Somehow so not typical of the Irishman. Otherwise, the blond shy totally keeps girls back sooner. But now things are different. The singer goes on to flirt kurs. One thing is all the same: Since the three other boys from One Direction are forgiven, Niall spends much time with the 18-year-old boy- and is known as a top player. Even Niall's dad Bobby (51) says: ". Harry knows what to do with girls of all ages, he knows what needs to be done." And Niall wants to imitate his friend apparently. One important lesson he has learned that yours does not chat up girls who wear a engagement ring on her finger!

 xoxo Lilly

01 August 2012

Do it!

Hey guys, please do it.
We will do it too.
It sounds funny and really cute,
so please guys,
do it for Liam

xoxo Lilly

31 Juli 2012

Harry's new tatto ♥

Harry has a new tatto too !
and i love it so much, asdfghjkl
isn't it amazing?
my fave tattoo from hazza is:
"won't stop till we surrender"
but his new tatto is awesome, too.
"i can't change!"
you don't have to change harry,
we love you for who you are .x

it's funny cuz it looks like a bracelet, & harry often wearr bracelets.
looooooooooool, okay have a great day.
xoxo Mary

Zayn's new tattoo!

Omg omg omg, guuuuuys,
Zayn has a new tattoo!!
It looks soo sexy dkfjghdg,
here's a photo so you all can slobber xD

xoxo Lilly

30 Juli 2012

Hey Hey c;

Hey guys, 
I'm back!! I'm sooooo
sorry that I havent write so much,
but I was in vacation and
I was unwell. I'm sorry!
Mary is sad and angry :(
I'm sorry to Mary too.
Mary, I love you, okay? 

Sooo, ehm, I dont know more..
If I know news about One Direction,
we will tell you.

We love ya guys X
Thanks for so much viewer,
so much kisses only for you.

xoxo Lilly

27 Juli 2012


Heyy directioners ♥
nothing really happened with 1D, so i think i'll show you something.
A few days ago i saw the
funniest, craziest & meanest
video on youtube about one direction. i have to tell you
that when i saw this video i couldn't stop laughing!
after 20 minutes i still laughed about this awesome video!
i layed on the floor and my mum came into my room
 to ask me why i laughed so badly.
Louis & Zayn pranked Niall, Liam & Harry,
but when they got pranked harry was the cutest.
omg, he was nervous and it was soooooooo cute :)
I just wanted to hug him cuz he was so adorable.

i don't wanna write so much, so here we go :D

hope you had a nice day & i see you on weekend,
xoxo Mary

23 Juli 2012


 many directioners are trending it, but we need more.
don't stop trending it, & if you are from Germany like me,
please trend #HappyBirthday1DFromGermany , too. 

you can follow me on twitter, 
@kisses2harry - Mary Swag 

xoxo Mary

happy birthday 1D .xx


2 years ago one direction were formed, i never had those
feelings for an artist before. But 1D isn't just a normal band, 
1D are 5 amazing, talented & beautiful boys who own my heart for
2 years now. They aren't perfect, but i think that makes them so 
special for millions of girls around the world.
last night, on the TEEN CHOICE AWARDS, one direction won 
3 awards for the best love song ( WMYB ), for the best group &
for the best newcomer, i stayed #upallnight to watch it with 
my american friend ally. it was totally  the best night in my live.

i have to say that i'm very proud of the boys and they 
deserve every single one of these 3 awards, i think it's a 
wonderful birthday present for their 2nd 1DAnniversary :)
i hope the next years will be so amazing lik the last ones.
"from torn to WMYB, from WMYB to the UPALLNIGHT cd,
from the album to the world tour, from the world tour in our hearts

 2 amazing years, 1.000.000 amazing girls who love
 5 amazing boys for what they do & who they are.
once a directioner, always a directioner & i'm happy to be one ♥

many directioners took a red ballon with helium, fixed a card with
their twitter name, their home town & " happy birthday 1D " on it
on the ballon and  the ballon flew to the sky x
i love this idea so much, but i have no helium :(

i promised you a little suprise, & here we go!

Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson
i made it with my friend, & we are proud of our 1D-picture haha lol :D
i hope you will like it & i wish you all a wonderful onedirection-day

 xoxo Mary

20 Juli 2012

SO SORRY , again :@

Hey directioners, i'm so sorry !
the last days i was so busy,that's why i hadn't time to
post something about one direction, sorrrrrrrry :(
my feet hurts so much cuz everyday i walked around in berlin,
& it's really exhausting. berlin is a big city haha lol.
nothing big happends about 1D, i think they are in the studios
to record songs for their second album yay ( november 2012 )
hahahaahahahha lol it's so funny to watch them :D

the first one, haha lol 
i'm niall, i'm harry, i'm zayn, i'm liam & i'm jennifer :P

 & the second one lol :)

hope you'll have fun & i wish u a great weekend
i have a suprise for you guys, haha lol

xoxo Mary

16 Juli 2012


i wrote it on twitter, i wrote it on facebook
dear directioners, please say happy birthday to her !
she's a wonderful girl, beautiful person & a perfect girlfriend for lou <3
i hope she had a great day with her family & friends,
this week i will write many posts alone cuz lilly is on vacation 
for 2 weeks :( okkkkkay, it's already 23.50 here in germany, so 
gooooooooooood night sweeties :*
xoxo Mary

11 Juli 2012

Harry Styles and his older women

In this Post I write about Harry Styles and
his love for older women.
He dates Caggie Dunlop, 23 and Caroline
Flack, 34.
In an Interview he said that he would date
Kate Moss, 36 and Angelina Jolie, 37 and Kate Winslet, 36 !!
It's funny and crazy, but it's his own life and he can
make and do what he wants.
I think we all Directioner still love him :)

Whatever, here are some picures from
Harry and Caggie Dunlop:

and here are some pics from Harry and Caroline Flack:

xoxo Lilly

Niall Horan & Demi Lovato

Today I write about the single boys of One Direction
In this Post I write about Niall Horan.
Many peoples believe that he has a secret relationship 
with Demi Lovato..
It makes me a little bit sad, but we all have to accept it :)
If they would be in a realitionship, I would be happy for them, 
but if I could date him i would be happier lol.
but it will probably never happen :/
I have a few pictures of the two picked out..

xoxo Lilly

09 Juli 2012

Favourite videos of 1D ♥

Hey guys x
Mary is on vacation and now I must write all alone haha
Next week I will travel and Mary will must do all alone :b
Okaay, today I want to show you our fav videos of 1D
Yeaah, okay and please directioners, please follow us on Twitter c;
Mary: @kisses2harry
Lilly: @wanthorankisses
xoxo Lilly

06 Juli 2012

time-out from the world

Hey guys !
so a few days ago the upallnight - tour ended & the boys are home now.
i think niall is in ireland & the boys are in london. i found pictures from hazza
walking around in london.
i know, wearing a headband when you are a boy shouldn't be sexy. 
but everytime when i see harry with an headband, there's nothing in the world
what's hotter than this for me! 

 i'm so sorry, but i only found pictures from hazza, don't know why :(

i have to say something very important, 
hope you had a great week directioners, 
xoxo Mary

03 Juli 2012

Our new Shirts ♥

Omg, today our new 1D-Shirts arrived!
Haha, we freaked out & cried & laughed
and all at the same time :D

Tomorrow I will make a 1D-shorty and I
will make a picture for you, okay? :)

It's soooooooo cool !
 I love 1D for that they exist

xoxo Lilly

02 Juli 2012


Hey directioners, so yesterday was the very last concert of
the #upallnight tour :( at the end the boys started crying,
zayn hugged niall cuz he was so sad.
i think you agree when i say it was an
 amazing tour which we'll never forget.

incredible songs, many fans, and at least 5 beautiful boys who made a wish come true X

when i heard that the boys weared the clothes of
each others to have a special end, i started crying too.
cuz so many things happend in this 2012,  i found new friends
 just because we know one direction. my room is full of 1D posters
and everytime i hear them on the radio i must smile.
 i wanna say a massive thank you to these boys

 to Harry, Niall, Louis, Zayn & Liam :
you are 5 wonderful boys, we all love you very much and 
you will never understand how much we love you, 
true directioners will be a directioner till the end & longer ♥

xoxo, Mary 


i found pictures of the #upallnight tour in america :


1D Fashion and Accesoize

xoxo Lilly